澳門教區社會傳播中心 Centro Diocesano dos Meios de Comunicação Social


New Testament and Natural Law(21/01/2021)
The role of the Catholie University in the ‘missio ad gentes’ in Asia (20/01/2020)
Dialogue and Proclamation withiu the context of “The Three Teaching” in China. (26/06/2019)
The Hebrew Bible and Natural Law(10/12/2020)
Maximum Illud and the Catholicity of the Church (29/05/2019)
Maximum Illud and the Catholicity of the Church (29/05/2019)
Nómos and Thesmós in Sophocles’ Antigone(12/11/2020)
Minimising Maximum Illud: Early Resistance to Missionary Inculturation in China (13/11/2019)
The‘missio ad gentes’and Matthew 28:18-20 (30/04/2019)
Natural Law - Essential and Relevant(22/10/2020)
Maximum Illud Religious Congations: the Struggle for the first indigenous seminaries. (16/10/2019)
What was Maximum Illud and should we care? (25/03/2019)
USJ V Career Fair 2020 聖大V就業展2020
USJ 慶典及展覽活動(Ceremonies and Exhibitions)
Installation of the 4th Rector of USJ 聖若瑟大學第四任校長就職典禮(23/05/2020, 5:00pm)
李主教勉勵聖大學生在平凡日子中尋找不平凡的生活 (19/12/2019)
聖若瑟大學舉辦《透過創業精神改變世界》講座 (21/11/2019)
李主教邀請聖若瑟大學師生發掘各自信仰上的標記 (20/09/2019)
聖若瑟大學舉行2019年度畢業典禮 (13/07/2019)
聖大宗教研究院舉行「夫至大」通諭專題學術講座 (26/06/2019)
亞太無障礙藝術節隆重開幕 (03/06/2019)
聖大舉行開放日 (13/04/2019)
聖若瑟大學就業展開幕禮 (11/04/2019)
聖大舉行就業展 (11/04/2019)
Evangelisation by Local Missionaries - Lecture #1 (26/03/2019)
聖若瑟大學及聖若瑟教區中學第六校青洲校園祝聖儀式 (04/03/2019)
聖若瑟敬禮彌撒暨青洲校園祝聖儀式 (04/03/2019)
聖若瑟大學社區奬助學金頒奬典禮 (18/01/2019)
聖若瑟大學及聖若瑟教區中學六校舉行青洲校園「花地瑪百年顯現紀念堂」命名儀式 (07/11/2018)
聖若瑟校區小禮堂,展覽室及中央花園冠名儀式 (22/08/2018)
聖若瑟大學畢業典禮Cerimónia de entrega de Diplomas da USJ(12/09/2020, 3:00pm)
USJ Congregation 2021 (3/7/2021)
聖若瑟大學開學彌撒 (14/9/2021, 11:00am)
聖若瑟大學畢業典禮Cerimónia de entrega de Diplomas da USJ(8/7/2023, 2:00pm)
家辣堂街13號地下 Rua de Santa Clara, No.13, Macau 澳門教區社會傳播中心 電話:2832-3209 傳真:2832-2976 網址 郵箱